Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year!

..okay, give or take eleven days or so.  We're now in Salitiga, Central Java, Indonesia.  Jane and I are sitting in the English department where our friends Danielle and Brandon teach, which is up on the fifth floor, even with the tops of some palms and other tropical trees (Truffulas?) being blown back and forth by a hard rainy season wind.  No rain yet, but layers and layers of clouds are zoomnig by in the distance, obsuring a volcanic mountain or two in the distance. 

Our internet connections (and my writing motivation) are of the on again / off agin variety, which is enough to write the occasional email or two, but not enough to upload any pictures, which seem to be my motivation for blog writing most of the time.  (Notice, also, my lack of stress about this...)  Still, just wanted to hop on the blog quickly here to wish everyone a safe and happy 2011!