The first and last time you will hear me mention this movie on this web site. Ever.
One of the advantages of being in an undisclosed location with not many responsibilities other than to entertain my son as he happily recuperates is that I've been able to get a huge amount of work done. I've planned all my classes for next semester, I've been able to study Chinese four hours each day, I've ghostwritten several speeches for Hillary Clinton, I've... well, okay, I exaggerate a bit.
True geek confession? I've watched the George Lucas-produced animated
Clone Wars series on DVD with my son (you know, the stuff that happened between the two last Star Wars movies that shouldn't have been made in the first place?), and surfed the internet a lot. Yep, it's (enforced) staycation time here at Slow Boat Central.
Now, mind you, I have actually gotten a few things done in the midst of all of this. Doctor's appointments are being made and kept, and the laundry is getting done. The middle to longer range planning tasks are getting checked off the list, bit by bit. And just the other day I went for a walk, played air hockey, AND made two sandwiches!
The things that haven't happened as frequently as I thought they might are regular updates to the blog. I haven't been terribly worried about this, but I have been puzzled. After all, although I can't see myself ever writing another sentence about
Clone Wars ever again in my life after this one, I have been running into some cool stuff on my journeys through the internet, and there are all sorts of experiences from last Spring and insights from my break here in the States, and a few observations on politics and life and, and... I haven't been inspired to write any of it down.
And then it hit me - wait a minute, I've been waiting for everything to make
sense! I have all of these big ideas about long series of blog articles that my experiences will fit into, and, hmmm, they don't really add up to anything much. (Or if they do, they seem pretentious or obvious or boring.) Silly me! Here I am, thinking that I can go from one of the most surreal countries on the planet to the second most surreal country, with a bit of the third country of the internet thrown in for good measure, and still be able to share something that's coherent in five paragraphs or less.
So what does this all mean? Bring on the random! Yeah, yeah, I know - as if this blog wasn't random enough already, right? Actually, this is yet another post where I'm simply giving myself permission to write, and I should probably delete it immediately. Except I won't, because, hey, it's my blog and I can do what I want to with it. And because, as much as I hate to admit it,
Clone Wars is kinda cool...