Monday, February 8, 2010

Two Pictures

Kantiang Beach, Koh Lanta

Here is a picture of the view about 50 feet from our bungalow that we stayed at in Koh Lanta up to last Friday. Evening sounds: cicadas, jungle birds, pounding of the surf, and the occasional Pink Floyd cover tune sung in a Thai accent from the band at the beach bar close by.


This is the view from the back window of our apartment here in China this morning. Evening sounds: horns honking on the highway, a dim rumble of traffic, and cats having loud angry, um, well, you know what cats do at four in the morning. (sorry to be graphic, but it was a bit of a rude awakening...) So, yeah, maybe a bit of readjusting coming up for all of us?

Now on to the glass half full side. We were incredibly lucky to have had a great enriching three weeks off, and we’ve now got three more weeks before classes start. Lots of time to hang out with the kids, plan lessons, practice our Chinese, and get out and about to see friends in town and in Chengdu.

The sun is now out here, and it’s warm enough in the apartment to walk around without long johns on. The kids are all happily returning to favorite toys and games, and it’s good to unpack and get a chance to shake the sand out of our clothes. Most importantly, we’ve all had lots of enriching experiences on our trip to share. More posts coming up soon!

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