Saturday, June 5, 2010

A month and some into A-Photo-A-Day

The Semaphore Alphabet

So it's been over a month since I decided to throw caution to the wind and spend about five minutes a day posting a photo or link or video or two to the internet. I've put up pictures of what we've been up to, but also a few random things about life in China, too many shots of building construction, videos that I've been showing to my students, and the occasional random picture of a mop.

And now comes the time to ask the inevitable question: "Okay, is anyone reading this besides my Mom?" Actually, you can't hide - I've got a statistics tracker installed on the web, so I know I get around a hundred of you checking in each week to see what's up. And - a bonus - it comes with a map! Most places (Chicago, Lansing, MI; NYC area; Pueblo, CO, etc.) I can figure out. My actual question - who is visiting my blog from Romania? Or Moscow, Anstruther (Scotland), South Korea, or Quinter, Kansas?*

Also, as your dedicated internet neuron in China, any questions or things that you'd like to know about? No promises, but if I've got an answer to something that you're curious about, I'd be happy to feature it in a future deeply-thought-out five minute blog post. Just ask in the comment section, and our crack team of researchers will get right on it.

p.s. You might be interested to know that our humble blog has gotten readers from every continent but Antarctica, thanks to fellow MCCers in Columbia, Egypt, Bosnia, and Indonesia, and other friends in England, Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. You guys rock the world, you do!

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