Saturday, February 16, 2013

Goin' all Old Word on you...


Through circumstances far to complicated to go into here...

CTS, Macao
(here's a hint)

... I ended up in Macao for a day last month. Macao is a former Portuguese colony across the bay from Hong Kong, and like Hong Kong, is now a Special Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of Ch... hey, you can even look it up on Wikipedia if you want to know more details! Yay, internet!

Anyway, what Wikipedia might not tell you is that Macao is the one place I've found in China that has readily available, consistently awesome, and quite cheap coffee. All over the place. So I spent my day or so there in a fairly consistent buzz, wandering around what is a fairly small walkable island and snapping photos of nearly everything that moved, and, given my tendencies towards landscape and still life, a whole lot more stuff that didn't.

Macao has an old city that was built at roughly the same time as New Orleans, Santa Fe, or Rio, and busloads of Chinese tourists notwithstanding, it doesn't even feel like you're in Asia sometimes.


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Mornings in Macao seem fairly deserted - maybe because everyone was at the casinos the night before. (More casino action coming up in another post)


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