Friday, April 8, 2011

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress....

If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know not to expect very much in the way of actual day to day narrative (or very much of a coherent narrative at all, for that matter). Still, from time to time, I do feel that it's my duty to say that, yes, life is fairly ordinary and settled here, yes, I'm actually working and teaching, and yes, mom, your grandkids still do exist...

For those of you that have been following the regular cast of characters, Zekey, for starters is now at the half dozen mark:


(and no, he's not in pain - just being goofy for the camera)


Jane and Zekey made an airplane cake for the party. (Note the carefully crafted Air China logo made of carefully sliced imported red licorice by yours truly, though Zekey swears that it looks more like China Southern...)


Xander and Zekey are often way too cool for their own good, often spouting off in Sichuan Chinese, starting their very own motorcycle gang and generally off on their own getting in trouble...


Just because Ysa has figured out this cute little smile, she thinks she can get away with anything:

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Oh wait. She DOES get away with anything.

Jane has many involvements, including this stint as a professional custard taster...


And me? The duties of parenting weigh heavily on me - sometimes it's almost too much to bear the overwhelming weight of it all.


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