Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Space and stuff

New house construction, Pueblo, CO

This blog post sums up a bit of how we felt sometimes back in the States, living on a single income in a smallish apartment, but surrounded by double income families in fairly large houses with all the trappings. Now that we're in China, our apartment, which is in fact similar in size to the place we lived in America, seems quite palatial sometimes.

Lots of people, limited space, and a lower average income means that, in the cities and suburbs, apartment dwelling is the norm for all but the wealthiest here. An emphasis on living with extended family means that even with the one-child policy, there are more people per apartment, and personal space often takes on a new meaning. The idea of an individual two-story house with its own fenced-in back yard close to a city? Very strange, indeed.

It will be interesting to see what happens when we get back... Maybe we can get all of us into 800 square feet? More interesting ideas on how large (or small) our homes need to be here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about culture shock! The concept of personal space and living in harmony with family is a whole new ball game.

    Stephan Hughes
