Thursday, December 29, 2011

The things people carry


If you're reading this from the US or Europe, I'd like you to take a bit of time to imagine all of the Things that are moving back and forth around you now.  All of the food and clothing and plastic toys and electric appliances and general consumer goods that are on the back of semis going from one place to another on the highways and streets near you at this very moment.  Do you see all that stuff in your mind's eye?  Now double or triple it.  Take half of this ginormous mass of stuff off of the trucks, and put it on motorcycles, carts, bicycles, or wheelbarrows.  Or simply on people's backs.  Welcome to China...  (Or most of the rest of the world, for that matter.)

Coming and going

Are you thinking about privilege right now?  I know I am... 


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