Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happiness engineering

What's not to like?

An enlightening reminder about happiness, and how to find it, from Scott Adams (the creator of the Dilbert comic strip), of all people.

A few good quotes:
"When you feel agitated, try eating some carbs. They're like a miracle drug. I suspect that anger is evolution's way of telling you to go kill something so you can eat."

" Many people make the mistake of incorporating negativity in their humor and thinking the outcome is a net positive. That takes the form of reflexively commenting on what's wrong with, well, everything. I used to be that guy. It was a habit I picked up from my mother. I thought I was being funny. An ex did me the favor of pointing out that I was actually just being an asshole. All the time."
(Whoops, this one is me sometimes... )

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