Friday, March 18, 2011

The House(s) of the Spirits


A spirit house in Thailand is just that - a place where spirits can come and live with people. Being more of a tourist than a participant in Thai culture, I don't know much more than that, other that what I've read on the internet very briefly. However, to paraphrase a saying, "I don't know much about spirit houses, but I know what I like." And, being the fan of elaborate miniature architecture that I am, I found a lot of spirit houses that I liked. Here are a few photos of some of my favorites...

One at the end of a vegetable market in Bangkok

Not technically a spirit house, but spirits like to hang out in the roots of banyan trees as well.

Modernist spirit house, Chiang Mai
A modernist version, outside the offices of Thai Airlines in Chiang Mai.

Small shrine surrouned by hundreds of plastic zebras, Bangkok

And the best for last - I have no idea why this one is surrounded by hundreds of plastic zebras, but the effect is amazing.

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