Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Dinosaurs Among Us

It started out innocently enough - waiting around at the entrance to the dinosaur museum in Zigong until everyone arrived. And what better way to kill time than to ask everyone to act like a dinosaur for a picture or two? Ah, how little prepared was I for the terror that reigned thereafter...

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I'm hesitant to post these pictures because, you know, what is the correct protocol when you now know that some of your friends and colleagues are, in reality, extinct bloodthirsty carnivorous beasts?

However, the impulse to not out everyone I know as secret dinosaurs on the internet on one hand is balanced out by the need for journalistic integrity on the other. The world needs to be warned! Plus, I think the photos are just gosh-darned funny...

(Oh, and ps, if you are one of dinosaurs in this post and you would like to keep your little "secret" private for the time being, let me know and I'll delete your picture from the post. Though you might also want to do something about the large chunks of brontosaurus meat you've got stashed in your closet...)

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