Saturday, June 23, 2012

Announcing our family theme song

We had a massively huge going away party last Sunday evening, and since it had been raining a steady drizzle from Friday onward, we decided to have the party indoors.  Which meant a heck of a lot of cleaning house. Whose stuff? The kids' stuff, mostly. Piles of papers and school tests and drawings on the backs of old student handouts that had become geological in nature.

And who best to clean up kids' stuff? Kids, of course... which means that a certain level of motivation was required. For some reason, this motivation came in the form of China Pop. Specifically, the song covered* in the video above. Over and over (and over and over) again. So now I have the mixed blessing of A) having my kids insert a singsongy brain worm into my head, which B) I have no almost no clue what it means.  On the other hand, it could be C) much much worse. [Have you read all my posts going on and on about what amazing popular music they have here in China?  No?  There's a very good reason for that...].

And D) at least they're all singing along in Chinese. I just really really hope lyrics of the song are age-appropriate. Although the image of our kids singing a catchy, cute, and utterly graphically obscene song in fluent Mandarin as we go through customs in the airport does have its own certain charm, don't you think?

*A curatorial note:  We have the real version of this song, sung by, by... um, some female vocalist that's popular with them kids these days.  The version above, judging from the position of the steering wheel, is by a high school physics teacher from Taiwan who moonlights as a truck driver.  Or the assistant manager of a Radio Shack.  Whatever - at least he's making enough money to buy his students those cool white jumpsuits...

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