Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is Your Life a Bit Too Strange?

Do you feel a bit unsettled? Weather turning cold? Up late at night because even though it's freezing and you've taken down the mosquito nets, there is one mosquito that is still very much alive and buzzing in your ear? Ever feel like you're in the middle of one country, not even learning the language very well, while your home country is, oh probably voting itself into a GIGANTIC UNWORKABLE TRAIN WRECK..!!? (Oh, excuse me, this is turning into a bit of a rant, isn't it?)

Maybe you, my friend, need Things Organized Neatly. A photo blog of, well, things. Organized Neatly. (Please, do look - the cumulative effect as you keep clicking through to older posts is strangely hypnotizing.) Okay, a bit obsessive, I know. But reassuring. Inspired me to go through the ol' Flickr account to find images that don't say or mean anything much, but just give us a reminder that yep, people are still fighting entropy out there, even if only by posting signs that line up with each other.

Signs, Hong Kong

Blue still life, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu Fire extinguishers, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu



  1. and semi-neatly:

  2. meant to link to these instead:
