Friday, April 15, 2011

Books of Note


A while back, I posted pictures of a few of my Chinese notebooks here, along with the inspirational quotes that grace their covers. A week later, the entry start getting tons and tons of hits from, a web site devoted entirely to, you guessed it, notebooks, and people who collect, save, and fill them. Who knew? (Though, given the nature of the internet, not entirely surprising.)

Being as I'm into sketchbooks, notebooks, journaling, cool graphic design, and found poetry, (intentional and otherwise), I've got a few photos of notebooks lying around the archives myself. Sooo - here's wishing everyone a happy Asian notebook week! Or month. Or couple of days. Whatever. Hey, they're notebooks, okay..?

First up: some cool books that I picked up in Thailand, featuring vintage ads on the front and excerpts from old textbooks on the back:

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As always, click on the image to enlarge. Enjoy!


  1. I saw a ton of faux-vintage Thai notebooks in Amphawa, Thailand - it's a nice town of wooden houses by the side of a canal not far from Bangkok:

    Also loads of old-style candies and sweets, and a weekend floating market. Sometime when you stop by Thailand on a holiday visit, a good place to take the kids!

  2. Thanks for the tip - I'll look it up!
