Friday, June 11, 2010

My morning commute

Rush hour, XHU, Hongguang

Here's a picture from a rainy walk to work a couple of weeks ago, just after rush-hour traffic (thousands of students clogging a bridge between the old campus and the new campus during class change-over time) has died down a bit. One thing that's very nice about living here on campus is that all of my classes are about a ten minute walk away.

Last year, they were all a five minute walk away, but then they moved most of my classes to the sixth teaching building instead of the fourth. Dang them for doubling my commute! Of course, if I'm in a rush, which I'm usually not, I can always take the bike.

It's been a fairly wet, and relatively cool, summer so far. It's getting close to finals week, and I'm now giving last classes for the school year. I'm finding out that some of my students have come a long long way since last September - though it's always easy to focus on the few students that don't seem to have changed at all. Sigh.

Jane and I have been both nursing a grukky flu-like bug for the last week or so, complete with occasional achy joints, low energy, and nasty nasty persistent coughs. Here's hoping for a little sunshine to dry us out...

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