Friday, February 1, 2013

True confessions

The astute observer of this blog will no doubt observe that in the past several months, posts have been sparse to nonexistent. To which I reply, well yeah, for a hypothetical observer, you're pretty gosh darn observant. (That's probably why they call you an observer, isn't it?)

For all you non-hypothetical observers out there, well you're not interested in excuses or explanations, are you? And I'm way past the point in my blogging where I'm interested in writing them, except to say that the past several months, I've been primarily occupied with matters of A) work and B) nebulous personal issues of an indeterminate nature, neither of which are interesting or necessarily advisable to put on the internet for an audience of...dozens of people.

However, aside from these topics, I have managed to accumulate a few stories and pictures here and there. And now that the semester is winding down and a vacation is approaching, I thought that the time was right to put a few things down in pixels again, for posterity's sake. So, on with the show!

note 1:
Yes, this does seem to be an empty promise, but due to the modern miracle of robo-posting, rest assured that if you're seeing this, it means that I have kept my promise to myself not to post anything  until I have a month's worth of material online and ready to go on a pre-programmed daily basis. The fact that this month happens to be the shortest month of the year is (ahem) entirely coincidental.

note 2:
And I do realize that I've hinted at matters to mysterious to reveal in a blog format. One clue: International Giraffe Smuggling. I can tell you that, although it sounds promising and that the hypothetical rewards are great, bitter personal experience has taught me that the enterprise is, in the end, not worth the considerable risks and great personal trauma involved.

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